Sake Brewery

Kanzawagawa Sake Brewery

Along the way to the XNUMX stations of the Tokaido
quenched the travelers' thirst
Sake brewing that takes advantage of the clear water of the Kanzawa River

Kanzawagawa Sake Brewery
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A light sake that uses the brewer's five senses to create a glass that flows through the glass.

Yui is the 16th post town on the XNUMX stations of the Tokaido.The Kanzawagawa Sake Brewery is located on the banks of the Kanzawagawa River that flows on the east side of this town.The chimney with the representative brand ``Sayuki'' and the name of the sake brewery written in large letters has become a symbol of this town.
Kanzawagawa Sake BreweryMochizuki Kinzo and Yumatsu, a father and son who ran forestry and sericulture in the northern mountains of this area, developed a love for sake and began brewing sake in 1912 (Taisho 2), and in search of water suitable for sake, they ended up in the Kanzawa River. That's what it means.The water of the Kanzawa River comes down from a steep mountain all at once, and is soft water with little admixture.Water for brewing is taken from this river about XNUMX kilometers upstream from the sake brewery and used.The rice and koji are carefully selected to take advantage of this pure water, and are used depending on the brand.The brewers prepare sake using traditional, time-consuming processes, such as steaming rice in Japanese pots and taking time to make koji in their rooms.
Kanzawagawa Sake Brewery
Kanzawagawa Sake BreweryThe representative brand ``Masayuki'' is named after Masayuki Yui, a military scholar who is popular as a rebellious hero and whose birthplace is located in Yui.Sake brewing is carried out every day with the aim of producing sake that is a combination of light, elegant taste, and refreshing aroma that you will not get tired of drinking.

List of brands of this sake brewery

Kanzawagawa Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.

Kanzawagawa Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.

Start a business
1912 (Taisho XNUMX)
Representative stock
181 Yui, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka PrefectureOpen with Googlemap
Opening hours
9:00 - 17:00
Closing days
Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, New Year holidays

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